2017脑科学与脑疾病南华国际论坛 The Nanhua International Forum for Brain Science and Diseases 2017 |
合 影 (7:50-8:15) |
开幕式 (8:15-8:25) |
8:15-8:25 |
国家外专局领导讲话,英国威廉希尔公司董事长张灼华教授致辞 |
特邀报告Ⅰ (8:25-10:05) |
主持:褚祥平教授、汤永红教授 |
8:25-8:50 |
报告题目:A new player in AD development 报告嘉宾:袁增强教授,中国科学院生物物理研究所 |
8:50-9:15 |
报告题目:Diet, epigenetic modifications and the development of the Alzheimer’s disease phenotype 报告嘉宾:Prof. Domenico Pratico, Temple University, USA |
9:15-9:40 |
报告题目:Epigenetics of Alzheimer’s disease 报告嘉宾:Prof. Debomoy K. Lahiri, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA |
9:40-10:05 |
报告题目:Inhibition of BACE1 for benefiting Alzheimer’s disease patients 报告嘉宾:Prof. Riqiang Yan, Morris R. and Ruth V. Graham Endowed Chair in Biomedical Research, Cleveland Clinic, USA |
茶歇 (10:05-10:25) |
特邀报告Ⅱ (10:25-12:30) |
主持:夏昆教授、田绍文教授 |
10:25-10:50 |
报告题目:发作性运动障碍的神经机制 报告嘉宾:熊志奇教授,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院 |
10:50-11:15 |
报告题目:Impairments of spatial memory in Alzheimer’s disease model via degeneration of hippocampal cholinergic synapses 报告嘉宾:鲁友明教授,华中科技大学同济医学院 |
11:15-11:40 |
报告题目:Zika Virus Infection and the Pathogenesis of Microcephaly 报告嘉宾:许执恒教授,中国科学院遗传和发育研究所 |
11:40-12:05 |
报告题目:The role of O-GlcNAc in neurodevelopmental disease 报告嘉宾:Prof. Daan Van Aalten, University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom |
中餐 (12:20-13:45)
特邀嘉宾至致远园食堂,其余与会人员至求是园食堂用餐 |
特邀报告Ⅲ(13:45-15:25) |
主持:晏日强教授、游咏教授 |
13:45-14:10 |
报告题目:Molecular regulation of Selective mitophagy and its implication in neurodegenerative diseases 报告嘉宾:陈佺教授,中国科学院动物研究所 |
14:10-14:35 |
报告题目:Restoration of mitochondrial dynamics alleviates Alzheimer’s disease in rodent model 报告嘉宾: Prof. Xiongwei Zhu, Case Western Reserve University, USA |
14:35-15:00 |
报告题目:Mitochondrial chaperon, respiratory supercomplex and neurodegeneration 报告嘉宾:白益东教授, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USA |
15:00-15:25 |
报告题目:Analysis of neuronal phosphoproteome reveals PINK1 regulation of BAD function and cell death 报告嘉宾:廖鲁剑教授,华东师范大学 |
茶歇 (15:25-15:45) |
特邀报告Ⅳ(15:45-18:15) |
主持:蔡翔教授、何淑雅教授 |
15:45-16:10 |
报告题目:Cellular basis for amyloid formation and synapse loss in Alzheimer’s disease 报告嘉宾: Prof. Lawrence Rajendran, University of Zurich Switzerland |
16:10-16:35 |
报告题目:A novel nicotinic mechanism mediates β-amyloid-induced neuronal hyperexcitation and toxicity 报告嘉宾: Prof. Jie Wu, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, USA |
16:35-17:00 |
报告题目:Biophotonic transmission in relation to brain functions (生物光子传递与脑功能) 报告嘉宾:戴甲培教授,中南民族大学,武汉神经科学和神经工程研究所 |
17:00-17:25 |
报告题目:Hydrogen sulfide: A novel target for the treatment of depression? 报告嘉宾:唐小卿教授,英国威廉希尔公司神经科学研究所 |
17:25-17:50 |
报告题目:孤独症表型-基因型关联研究 报告嘉宾:夏昆教授,中南大学 |
17:50-18:15 |
报告题目:中国帕金森氏综合征的分子诊断与分型 报告嘉宾:唐北沙教授,中南大学湘雅医院 |
闭幕式 (18:15-18:25) |
18:15-18:25 |
闭幕致辞:英国威廉希尔公司陈国民副董事长 |