姓 名: |
张 也 |
出生日期: |
1990年12月 |
学 位: |
博士 |
工作单位: |
英国威廉希尔公司化学化工学院 |
职称/职务: |
特聘教授 |
籍 贯: |
江苏省宿迁市 |
研究方向: |
半导体材料光电传感 |
张也,男,1990年12月生,江苏宿迁人,英国威廉希尔公司特聘教授,博士生导师。2018年12月博士毕业于苏州大学材料与化学化工学部,导师严锋教授。2018年7月-2020年9月在深圳大学维纳光电子学研究院从事博士后研究,导师张晗教授。2013年6月-2013年10月在西班牙巴斯克大学访问学者(合作者Prof. David Mecerreyes)。
主要研究领域:(1)低维纳米材料的制备;(2)半导体材料光电化学探测性能研究。主持中国博士后面上基金,国家自然基金青年基金项目和英国威廉希尔公司青年优秀人才项目。目前,相关科研成果发表于Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Small、Small Methods、Chem. Eng. J.、Nanoscale Horiz.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Nano Res.等国内外期刊累计40余篇。
(一) 科研项目
1) |
中国博士后面上项目。8万元,2019.9-202009 主持 |
2) |
国家自然科学基金青年基金项目。23万元,2020.02-2022.12 主持 |
3) |
英国威廉希尔公司优秀青年人才项目。300万元,2020-2025 主持 |
1. Ye Zhang, Chunyang Ma, Jianlei Xie, Hans Ågren,* Han Zhang*, Black Phosphorus/Polymers: Status and Challenges, Advanced Materials, 2021, 2100113. (影响因子: 30.849)
2. Ye Zhang*, Yiguo Xu, Jia Guo, Xiuwen Zhang, Xinling Liu, Yushuang Fu, Feng Zhang, Chunyang Ma, Zhe Shi, Rui Cao, and Han Zhang*, Designing of 0D/2D Mixed-Dimensional van der Waals Heterojunction over Ultrathin g-C3N4 for High-Performance Flexible Self-Powered Photodetector, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420, 129556. (影响因子: 13.273)
3. Ye Zhang*, Yiguo Xu, Lingfeng Gao, Xinling Liu, Yushuang Fu1, Chunyang Ma, Yanqi Ge, Rui Cao, Xiuwen Zhang, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Swelm. Wageh, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, H. Algarni, Zhe Shi, and Han Zhang*, MXene-based mixed-dimensional Schottky heterojunction towards self-powered flexible high-performance photodetector, Materials Today Physics, 2021, 21, 100479. (影响因子: 9.298)
4. Ye Zhang, Yiguo Xu, Chen Zhang, Jia Guo, Zhe Shi, Leiming Wu, Feng Zhang, Chunyang, Ma, Rui Cao, Lingfeng Gao, Yanqi Ge, Xiuwen Zhang*, and Han Zhang*, Multifunctional VI-VI Binary Heterostructure-based Self-Power pH-Sensitive Photo-detector, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 5991-6000. (影响因子: 7.393)
5. Ye Zhang, Pu Huang, Jia Guo, Rongchao Shi, Weichun Huang, Zhe Shi, Leiming Wu, Feng Zhang, Lingfeng Gao, Chao Li, Xiuwen Zhang, Jialiang Xu, and Han Zhang*, Graphdiyne-based Flexible Photodetectors with High Responsivity and Detectivity, Advanced Materials, 2020, 23, 2001082. (影响因子: 30.849)
6. Jia Guo#, Ye Zhang#, Zhenhong Wang, Yiqing Shu, Zhenwu He, Feng Zhang, Lingfeng Gao, Chao Li, Cong Wang, Yufeng Song, Jun Liu, and Han Zhang*, Tellurium@Selenium Core-Shell Hetero-junction: Facile synthesis, Nonlinear Optics, and Ultrafast Photonics Applications towards Mid-infrared Regime, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 20, 100657. (影响因子: 10.041)
7. Ye Zhang, Jia Guo, Yiguo Xu, Weichun Huang, Chao Li, Lingfeng Gao, Leiming Wu, Zhe Shi, Chunyang Ma, Yanqi Ge, Xiuwen Zhang*, and Han Zhang *, Synthesis and Optoelectronics of Mixed-Dimensional Bi/Te Binary Heterostructure, Nanoscale Horizons, 2020, 5, 847-856. (影响因子: 10.989)
8. Leiming Wu#, Ye Zhang#, Feng Zhang, Weichun Huang, Dingtao Ma, Jinlai Zhao, Yunzheng Wang, Yanqi Ge, Hao Huang, Ning Xu, Jianlong Kang, Yuanjiang Xiang, Yupeng Zhang, Jianqing Li, and Han Zhang*, 1D@0D Hybrid Dimensional Heterojunction-based Photonics Logical Gate and Isolator, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 19, 100589. (影响因子: 10.041)
9. Rui Cao#, Ye Zhang#, Huide Wang, Yonghong Zeng, Jinlai Zhao, Liyuan Zhang, Jianqing Li*, Fanxu Meng, Zhe Shi, Dianyuan Fan, and Zhinan Guo*, Solar-blind Deep-ultraviolet Photodetectors based on Solution-synthesized Quasi-2D Te Nanosheets, Nanophotonics, 2020, DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2019-0539. (影响因子: 8.449)
10. Ye Zhang, Feng Zhang, Yiguo Xu, Weichun Huang, Leiming Wu, Zhijun Dong, Yupeng Zhang, Biqing Dong, Xiuwen Zhang*, and Han Zhang*, Epitaxial Growth of Topological Insulators on Semiconductors (Bi2Se3/Te@Se) Towards High-Performance Photodetectors, Small Methods, 2019, 3, 1900349. (影响因子: 14.188)
11. Ye Zhang, Feng Zhang, Yiguo Xu, Weichun Huang, Leiming Wu, Yupeng Zhang, Xiuwen Zhang*, and Han Zhang*, Self-Healable Black Phosphorus Photodetectors, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1906610. (影响因子: 18.808)
12. Ye Zhang, Feng Zhang, Leiming Wu, Yupeng Zhang, Weichun Huang, Yanfeng Tang, Lanping Hu, Pu Huang*, Xiuwen Zhang*, and Han Zhang*, Van der Waals Integration of Bismuth Quantum Dots Decorated Tellurium Nanotubes (Te@Bi) Heterojunctions and Plasma-enhanced Optoelectronic Applications, Small, 2019, 15, 1903233. (影响因子: 13.281)
13. Weichun Huang#, Ye Zhang#, Qi You, Pu Huang*, Yunzheng Wang, Ziyin N. Huang, Yanqi Ge, Leiming Wu, Zhijun Dong, Xiaoyu Dai, Yuanjiang Xiang, Jianqing Li, Xiuwen Zhang*, and Han Zhang*. Enhanced Photodetection Properties of Tellurium@Selenium Roll-to-Roll Nanotube Heterojunctions, Small, 2019, 15, 23, 1900902. (影响因子: 13.281)
14. Ye Zhang, Jiangna Guo, Dan Xu, Yi Sun, and Feng Yan*,Synthesis of Ultralong Copper Nanowires for High-Performance Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes: The Effects of Polyhydric Alcohols, Langmuir, 2018, 34, 3884−3893. (影响因子: 3.882)
15. Ye Zhang, Jiangna Guo, Dan Xu, Yi Sun, and Feng Yan*, Synthesis of Ultrathin Semicircle-shaped Copper Nanowires in Ethanol Solution for Low Haze Flexible Transparent Conductors, Nano Research, 2018, 11, 3899–3910. (影响因子: 8.897)
16. Ye Zhang, Jiangna Guo, Dan Xu, Yi Sun, and Feng Yan*, One-Pot Synthesis and Purification of Ultralong Silver Nanowires for Flexible Transparent Conductive Electrodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 25465−25473. (影响因子: 9.229)
17. Ye Zhang, Ning Zhou, Keqin Zhang, and Feng Yan*, Plasmonic Copper Nanowire@TiO2 Nanostructures for Improving the Performance of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2017,342, 292-300. (影响因子: 9.127)
18. Ye Zhang, Zhe Sun, Chengzhen Shi, and Feng Yan*, Highly Efficient Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Based on Low Concentration Organic Thiolate/disulfide Redox Couples, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 70460. (影响因子: 3.361)
19. Ye Zhang, Zhe Sun, Si Cheng*, and Feng Yan*, Plasmon-Induced Broadband Light-Harvesting for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Using a Mixture of Gold Nanocrystals, ChemSusChem, 2016, 9, 813- 819. (影响因子: 8.928)
20. Ye Zhang, Hao Li, Lidia Kuo, Pei Dong*, and Feng Yan*, Recent Applications of Graphene in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 2015, 20, 406-415. (影响因子: 6.448)
表1 指导研究生与本科生获得的省级与校级科研项目
序号 |
姓名 |
年级、专业 |
项目名称 |
项目 来源 |
获得 年度 |
1) |
刘欣琳 |
2020级材料与化工 |
水热法制备类黑磷碲纳米材料及其光电探测性能研究 |
湖南省研究生创新项目 |
2021 |